6 departments standardize the online car-hailing online capability identification process

  CCTV NewsToday, the General Office of the Ministry of Transport, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, the General Office of the People’s Bank of China, the General Office of the State Administration of Taxation, and the Secretary Bureau of the State Cyberspace Administration of China have issued a notice to standardize the workflow of the identification of online car-hailing online service capabilities.

  The specification specifies the materials and procedures required for the application. The specification specifically points out that all localities can explore various forms such as online processing and joint office to improve moderation efficiency. In terms of review time, provincial departments of communications, public security, taxation, the People’s Bank of China, and online information shall report formal written review opinions to the provincial transportation authority within 10 days. The provincial transportation authority shall, within 18 days from the date of acceptance of the application by the taxi administrative authority at the place where the enterprise is registered, provide the confirmation result or opinion notice to the taxi administrative authority that accepts the application, and report it to the transportation authority of the State Council at the same time. The transportation authority of the State Council shall transfer it to the communications, public security, taxation, people’s bank, and online information authorities of the State Council. If the place of registration of the enterprise and the location of the server are not in the same province or the situation of the certification materials is more complicated, the determination time can be extended by 10 days, and the taxi administrative department accepting the application shall notify the applicant in a timely manner and inform the reasons. At the same time, all the data of online car-hailing operators should be connected to the national online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform to facilitate the information exchange between online car-hailing operators and the supervision platforms of various cities, and to realize information sharing between relevant departments and within various departments, improve service efficiency and optimize the business environment. (CCTV reporter, Tang Ying)

  The following is the full text of the notice:

  General Office of the Ministry of Transport, General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, General Office of the People’s Bank of China, General Office of the State Administration of Taxation, and the Secretariat of the Cyberspace Administration of China on the Workflow of Online Booking Taxi Operators Applying for Online Service Ability Identification

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Transportation Department (Bureau, Commission), Communications Administration, Public Security Bureau (Bureau), State Taxation Bureau, Local Taxation Bureau, Cyberspace Administration, People’s Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters, all branches, business management departments, provincial capital (capital) city center sub-branches, sub-provincial city center sub-branches:

  In accordance with the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Commerce, Administration of Industry and Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Inspection, National Network Information Office Order No. 60 of 2016), in order to optimize services, standardize operations, and facilitate online booking taxi (hereinafter referred to as online car-hailing) operators, the online car-hailing business online service ability identification workflow is hereby notified as follows.

  First, those who apply to engage in online car-hailing operations shall submit online service capability materials to the corresponding taxi administrative department at the place where the enterprise is registered, including the following details.

  (1) Proof of having the Internet platform and the ability to interact with information and data.

  1. Technical research and development and maintenance department structure and personnel certification materials, including identity certificates, technical ability certificates and work contracts; procurement or lease agreements, server hosting agreements or Internet access protocols for servers and network equipment to be engaged in online car-hailing business; platform software and hardware, maximum processing capacity, maximum database storage capacity, etc.

  2. Information content and service functions of mobile Internet applications (APPs) for passengers and drivers.

  (2) Possessing certification materials for relevant regulatory departments to obtain and inquire about relevant network data and information according to law.

  3. Cooperate with the functional design, working system and responsible institutions, responsible persons, and contact information of relevant data and information according to law.

  (III) Database access.

  4. Provide a description of the conditions for the database to be connected to the online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform of the Ministry of Transport issued by the transportation authority of the State Council. Platform companies that only provide services locally can provide a description of the conditions for the database to be connected to the local supervision platform issued by the taxi administrative authority where the service is located.

  (4) Description of the situation where the server is located in the Chinese mainland.

  5. Description of all server room addresses, access addresses, Internet Protocol Addresses, and division of uses for network applications, data, etc.

  (5) The cyber security management system and the text of security protection technical measures.

  6. Network and information system security level protection grading reports, expert review opinions, filing certificates, and evaluation reports.

  7. Evidence that the level of cyber security protection, network data security and personal information protection measures meet the relevant requirements of cyber security management in the communications industry.

  8. It has a complete management system and measures for user real identity authentication, personal privacy data protection measures, and a description of the cross-border flow of data.

  9. Description materials for user information, log records, retention technical measures, and security technical measures such as shielding and filtering of harmful information in the background of the network service platform.

  10. Provide technical interface materials for the prevention and investigation of terrorist activities in accordance with the law.

  11. The text of the network and information security guarantee system, the text of the new Internet technology and new business security evaluation system, the text of the emergency response plan, and the commitment of the enterprise to ensure service quality, information and data security.

  12. Evidence of online content disposal ability, and explanation of whether the online car-hailing platform has functions such as information release, comment follow-up, and group mobilization capabilities. A letter of commitment by an enterprise to ensure that it does not use the online car-hailing platform to publish harmful information, and does not provide convenience for enterprises, individuals, and other groups to publish harmful information.

  (6) Model agreements signed by banks or non-bank payment institutions that provide payment and settlement services.

  13. A detailed description of the business model between the enterprise and a bank or non-bank payment institution, including the text of the agreement signed between the enterprise and the bank or non-bank payment institution, whether the enterprise has established a fund pool, and whether it has opened payment accounts for users.

  After accepting the application for engaging in online taxi-hailing business, the corresponding taxi administrative department of the place where the enterprise is registered shall, within 2 days, submit the online service capability materials and the application form for online taxi-hailing business as stipulated in the annex to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, the business license of the enterprise legal person and the text of the operation management system, and the safety production management system to the provincial transportation authority.

  After receiving the certification materials, the provincial transportation department is responsible for reviewing the second, third, and fourth certification materials, and within 2 days, the online booking taxi business application form, enterprise legal person business license and operation management system, safety production management system text to the same level of communication, public security, taxation, the People’s Bank of China, network information and other departments, while the first, second, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh certification materials to the same level of communication departments for review, the third certification materials to the same level of tax authorities for review, the thirteenth material to the same level of the People’s Bank branch for review, the twelfth certification materials to the same level of network information department for review.

  All localities can explore various forms such as online handling and joint office to improve moderation efficiency.

  III. The provincial-level departments of communications, public security, taxation, the People’s Bank of China, and cyberspace shall, within 10 days, report the formal written review opinions to the provincial-level transportation department. If the provincial-level transportation department reports that all relevant departments have passed the review opinions, it will issue the result of the online service ability identification. If the feedback fails to pass the review opinions, it will issue a notice of the opinion of not having the online service ability. The provincial-level transportation department shall, within 18 days from the date of acceptance of the application by the taxi administrative department of the place where the enterprise is registered, provide the confirmation result or the notice of opinions to the taxi administrative department that accepts it, and report it to the transportation department of the State Council, and the transportation department of the State Council will forward it to the communications, public security, taxation, the People’s Bank of China, and the cyberspace

  The time delay caused by the applicant’s supplementary materials is not included in the time requirement for the corresponding department to review the materials.

  Due to the fact that the place of registration of the enterprise and the location of the server do not belong to the same province, if the review of online service capabilities within each department needs to be coordinated across provinces, it shall be handled according to the requirements of each department.

  IV. If the place of registration of the enterprise and the location of the server are not in the same province or the circumstances of the certification materials are more complicated, the determination time can be extended by 10 days. The taxi administrative department accepting the application shall promptly notify the applicant and inform the reasons.

  Fifth, build a national online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform, unify access to the data of online car-hailing operators, facilitate the information exchange between online car-hailing operators and the supervision platforms of various cities, and realize information sharing between relevant departments and within departments, improve service efficiency, and optimize the business environment.