The speeding explosion-type decompression tablet you want! "Taxi Express 5" explodes 16 cities

1905 movie network news The drag racing comedy will be released nationwide on August 3, with a large wave of advanced viewing venues landing in 16 cities a few days ago. The speeding scenes and endless jokes will immerse the audience in the experience of dancing on wheels and detonate the unique excitement of summer.

The film is written, directed, and starred by Frank Gaisetang Peter, with Malik Banzela, Bernal Faxi, and others co-starring. The story revolves around the new Oolong CP of troublesome detective Sylvan and waste wood driver Eddie. The 20-year-old anti-sky taxi is on the road again, still the original formula, but carrying more surprises.

New brain hole mix and match classic terriers, extreme leap drag racing will satisfy you

Since the film was finalized, it has not only triggered the carnival of the original IP fans, but also attracted the expectations of many young audiences because it is the only drag racing + comedy genre in the summer season. The advanced viewing venue that recently landed in 16 cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Chongqing attracted a large number of audiences to have a sneak peek. Many of them were very excited to experience the 20-year classic drag racing series on the big screen for the first time, and said that "it is time to show your identity as a fan". Some viewers exclaimed: "Beginners hit the road, taking this series with new ideas and high-tech, including the memes in every film for 20 years, making people remember and discover new surprises", "Driving wildly, drifting infinitely, leaping to the limit, the picture-filled drag racing footage and the mix and match of various classic memes, it is also a good match."

At the scene, there are also loyal fans who have become fathers with the whole family, hoping to share their love and support for the series with their son. This heartwarming inheritance is similar to the legendary taxi left to their nephew Eddie after the retirement of the drag racing boss Daniel in the movie. The new oolong cp in this film reverses the traditional character of the previous work. Daniel’s nephew Eddie and troublesome detective Sylvan are partners. The two people who have no tacit understanding are in a lot of condition during the running-in process, which collides with sparks, and all kinds of hilarious terriers are also generated.

The whole process of laughing at the drag racing movie, the ultimate experience is comparable to a French feast

Compared with other drag racing movies, the "Taxi Express" series is unique. Not only did it lead the trend of on-screen drag racing as early as 1998, but it also used nonsensical comedy elements to decorate the thrilling drag racing scenes for both men and women, and for all ages. "Taxi Express 5", which integrates crime, action, comedy, and drag racing, has an amazing laugh, making the audience laugh at the funny comedy plot while the adrenaline is soaring, and it has a double enjoyable experience.

After the film was released in France, it won the box office for two consecutive weeks, and many overseas media gave high praise. "French Sunday" believes that it "not only follows the tradition of the series, but also integrates the market and bold comedy style, and the funny plot is more eye-catching than drag racing." The first batch of domestic audiences also laughed very contentedly, "It can be called a French feast, with dense jokes, good rhythm, and very smooth drag racing." "Every actor is using his life to laugh, playing with treasures, drag racing, and laughing all the way. This is the real comedy blockbuster!" Hilarious summer, cool ride, I believe this high-level drag racing comedy movie can make you truly experience 100 minutes of hormonal release.